Well, he looked REAL good to the Stro hitters, that is, Lamb singled, Lane walked and Burke singled.Bases loaded, no out.Better not be seeing the usual leaving bases loaded with no outs crap we been seeing lately.But Ausmus walks (stat of the day replica Tissot T34.7.481.61 Men's watch Ausmus has more pitches PA than any other Astro too bad he only has 4 walks…) in a run, Taveras hits into a surefire DP to Eckstein, but he throws the ball away, run scores and everyone safe on E6.Bases still loaded, nobody out.
Biggio sent up to pinch hit, even though he has a BA of .228 with bases loaded (where's Ensberg?) andOK here goes triple vs double play:Biggio hits the ball to Rolen, who sees Burke heading home, but steps on third, forcing Ausmus (FIRST OUT) then throws the ball to Pujols at first, where Taveras is still standing on the bag.Pujols replica Tissot T19.1.481.42 Men's watch receives the ball, steps on the bag forcing Biggio (SECOND OUT) then tags Taveras, who is still standing on the bag.(SO, is Taveras safe or is he out?) Cards all run off the fieldmercial arguing -Phil and Ump, TLR and umpEnd of commercial answer Willy Taveras is SAFE because once Biggio was forced out, Taveras had a right to stand on the bag and could not be tagged out because he was THEN safe.
replica Chopard 278419-2001 watch! No outs we gotta get a run in NOW, right? But nO.Burke flies out, Lance flies out, Carlos hits a piddly single to right and Mansolino hold the pitcher Albers at third.Ensberg grounds out.Husband looks at me, sez they suck, let's eat.Man of few words, especially when he's hungry.In the bottom of the 4th, Albers, who hadn't given up a hit, gives up 2 runs.Well, sez Husband, game's over.Just as well cuz the Mavs come on at 8:30 and this mess will be over.Then, at the top of the 5th, Biggio hits a sharp ball to right which goes under the glove of Eldred (who is actually a first baseman), rolls to the wall and Biggio ends up on third I guess the scorer calls this a triple cuz he she figgers Eldred can barely catch a fly ball, but a triple?